In 2019
PhD degree, Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, field: computer science
2011 - 2018
PhD Graduate Studies (stationary) at the Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Department of Computer Science, field of study: computer security, computer engineering. Title of Ph.D. dissertation: Authentication and identification using biometric features.
In 2015
Visiting Scholar, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, United States of America. Field of study: entrepreneurship, commercialization, interdisciplinary cooperation.
In 2013
Trainee during Foundation for Polish Science Enterprisers Program, Cambridge Judge Business School, Great Britain. Field of study: academic entrepreneurship, start-ups, funds.
In 2012
Visiting Scholar during Ministry of Science and Higher Education Top 500 Innovators Program, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, United States of America. Field of study: business and academia collaboration, science management, technology transfer, entrepreneurship.
2006 – 2011
MSc degree (computer science, computer security); Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology.
Since 2023
Consultant at Identt Ltd., Wroclaw, Poland. Field of work: biometrics & digital identity
Since 2020
Assistant professor in Fundamentals of Computer Science Department at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Field of work: computer security, biometrics, digital banking, identity
Head of R&D Department at PayEye Ltd., Wroclaw, Poland. Field of work: biometrics & cybersecurity
Associate professor in School of Entrepreneurship at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Field of work: entrepreneurship and innovation
Assistant professor in School of Entrepreneurship at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Field of work: entrepreneurship and innovation
Research assistant in Computer Science Department at Wroclaw University of Technology. Field of work: computer security, biometrics, digital banking, identity
IT specialist in Student Affairs Department at Wroclaw University of Technology. Field of work: web development, web administrator, technical consultancy
IT senior assistant at Wroclaw University of Technology. Filed of work: IT assistance, technical support, web development, web administrator, technical consultancy.
Independent analyst at Faculty of Electronics, Wroclaw University of Technology. Field of work: data acquisition and analysis, software development, hardware construction.
Since 2011
Lecturer at Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology. Filed of teaching: computer architecture and operating systems, programming languages, databases application
Technology transfer specialist at Wroclaw Research Centre EIT+ ltd. Filed of work: matching business and academia partnerships, evaluating emerging technologies, supporting in IP issues, gathering findings for development.
Technical officer at Wroclaw University of Technology. Filed of work: technical support, IT helpdesk, IT hardware purchases.

Editor-in-chief of Proceedings of Students' Science Conference (16th, 17th edition), Wroclaw, Poland
Since 2015
Organizational Committee Member of International Science Festival "Litteris et Artibus" in Lviv, Ukraine
General secretary at European Symposium on Research in Computer Security ESORICS
Since 2014
Reviewer of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Program committee member of Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies SECURWARE

Board member/vice-president of Manus Foundation
Head of Center for Business & Entrepreneurship "Dabie" of Manus Foundation
Since 2012
Board member of 360 Degrees ltd., CEO
Since 2017
Supervisory board member of Space is More ltd., CFO
Member of PhD Candidates Representation at Wroclaw University of Technology
Member of Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology Council at Wroclaw University of Technology

2015, 2017
Jury Member in National Contest EIT Climat-KIC Climate Lanuchpad Poland
Jury Member in Finals of EIT Climat-KIC Accelerator Programe Poland/Estonia
Jury Member in NASA Space Apps Challenge Poland 2016
  1. Maksymilian Gorski and Wojciech Wodo, Analysis of Biometric-Based Cryptographic Key Exchange Protocols—BAKE and BRAKE. Cryptography 2024, 8, 14., DOI 10.3390/cryptography8020014
  2. Wojciech Wodo, Michal Gancarczyk, Jakub Czyszczonik, SOHO Embedded Systems Security Analysis, Journal of Computer Fraud & Security, Volume 2023, Issue 11, DOI 10.12968/S1361-3723(23)70053-5
  3. Wojciech Wodo and Natalia Kuźma, Human-Related Security Threats and Countermeasures of Electronic Banking and Identity Services - Polish Case Study, Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence (CCIS 1864), Proceedings of 15th International Conference ICCCI 2023, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-41774-0_35
  4. Wojciech Wodo, Damian Rybak, Przemysław Błaśkiewicz, Analiza ekosystemu tożsamości cyfrowej w Polsce, stopnia jego wdrożenia i zastosowanie dowodów osobistych z warstwą elektroniczną, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2023, ISBN 978-83-7493-245-5, DOI 10.37190/wodo-rybak-blaskiewicz-2023
  5. Mateusz Stafiniak, Wojciech Wodo, State-sponsored Cybersecurity Attacks, 2022 63rd International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS), 2022, DOI: 10.1109/ITMS56974.2022.9937131
  6. Wojciech Wodo, Natalia Kuźma, Innowacje: Systematyczne metody poszukiwania rozwiązań, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2022, ISBN 978-83-7717-381-7, DOI 10.30825/2.2.2022
  7. Barbara Mróz-Gorgoń, Wojciech Wodo, Anna Andrych, Katarzyna Caban-Piaskowska and Cyprian Kozyra, Biometrics Innovation and Payment Sector Perception, Sustainability 2022, 14(15), 9424;
  8. Agnieszka Rucka, Wojciech Wodo, On the LPSE Password Meter’s Discrepancies among Different Datasets. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ICISSP 2022, ISBN 978-989-758-553-1, ISSN 2184-4356, DOI 10.5220/0010766900003120
  9. Wojciech Wodo, Damian Stygar, PSD2 Compliant Hardware Token for Digital Banking, Proceedings of 62nd International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS) 2021, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0615-4, DOI 10.1109/ITMS52826.2021.9615340
  10. Wojciech Wodo, Przemysław Blaskiewicz, Damian Stygar, Natalia Kuźma, Evaluation criteria for security of electronic and mobile banking - based on Polish case study, Computer Fraud & Security, Volume 2021, Issue 10, ISSN: 1361-3723, DOI: 10.1016/S1361-3723(21)00107-X
  11. Wojciech Wodo, Przemysław Blaskiewicz, Damian Stygar, Security issues of electronic and mobile banking, 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography: SECRYPT 2021, ISBN 978-989-758-524-1, ISSN 2184-7711
  12. Wojciech Wodo, Natalia Kuźma, Przedsiębiorczość akademicka: Narzędzia i techniki planowania start-upu , Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2020, ISBN 978-83-7717-356-5, DOI 10.30825/2.1.2020
  13. Wojciech Wodo, Damian Stygar, Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: User Study 2019, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy: ICISSP 2020, ISBN:978-989-758-399-5, DOI: 10.5220/0008555202210231
  14. Wojciech Wodo, Damian Stygar, Klaudia Winiarska, Bezpieczeństwo systemów bankowości elektronicznej i mobilnej w Polsce. Badania użytkowników 2019, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 2019, ISBN: 978-83-7493-109-0, DOI: 10.5277/WSW_BU2019
  15. Wojciech Wodo, Hanna Ławniczak, Bezpieczeństwo i biometria urządzeń mobilnych w Polsce. Badanie użytkowników 2016, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 2016, ISBN: 978-83-7493-970-6, DOI: 10.5277/Y03.2017.01
  16. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, Biometrics safety engineering in mobile devices, Proceedings of FTC 2016 - Future Technologies Conference 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4171-8
  17. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, Thermal imaging attacks on keypad security systems, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography: SECRYPT 2016, Lisbon 2016, ISBN: 978-989-758-196-0
  18. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, Kamil Kluczniak,Computations on Private Sets and their Application to Biometric based Authentication Systems, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography: SECRYPT 2016, Lisbon 2016, ISBN: 978-989-758-196-0
  19. Wojciech Wodo, Sebastian Zientek, Biometric linkage between identity document card and its holder based on real-time facial recognition, Proceedings of Science and Information Conference, London 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8546-3
  20. Wojciech Wodo, Innovation Management in Start-up Operating Companies: Looking for the Opportunities for Development, Acta Innovations Volume-14, 2015, ISSN: 2300-5599
  21. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, Konrad Zawada, "Conceptual Prototype of USB Wireless Adapter", The Challenges of Modern Technology Volume-5 Issue-4, 2014, ISSN 2082-2863
  22. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, Konrad Zawada, "USB Keyboard Security Unit", International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) Volume-4 Issue-2 May 2014, ISSN: 2231-2307
  23. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, "Authenticity of digital images", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering 2013: CSE-2013, Lviv 2013, ISSN: 2310-3027
  24. Przemysław Kubiak, Miroslaw Kutyłowski, Wojciech Wodo, "Protection of Data Groups from Personal Identity Documents", Infocommunications Journal vol.V no.3, Budapest 2013, ISSN 2061-2079
  25. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, "Identity Security in Biometric Systems Based on Keystroking", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Security and Cryptography: SECRYPT 2013, Reykjavik 2013, ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
  26. Wojciech Wodo, "Stimulating the creativity of the team and encouraging entrepreneurial attitudes in academic environment", Proceedings of University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, 2013, ISBN 978-90-820668-4-5
  27. Przemysław Blaskiewicz, Miroslaw Kutyłowski, Wojciech Wodo, Kamil Wolny, "Extreme Propagation in an Ad-hoc Radio Network - Revisited", N.-T. Nguyen et al. (Eds.): ICCCI 2012, Part II, LNAI 7654, pp. 142--151. Springer, Heidelberg (2012), ISBN 978-3-642-34706-1
  28. Wojciech Wodo, Marek Klonowski, Piotr Syga, "SOME REMARKS ON KEYSTROKE DYNAMICS: Global Survillience, Retriving Information and Simple Countermeasures", Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Security and Cryptography SECRYPT 2012, Rome 2012, ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
  1. Wojciech Wodo, Lucjan Hanzlik, Konrad Zawada, Device for protecting biometric identity and its application for protecting biometric identity of the user, patent application no P.406507, 16.12.2013, Poland
  2. Rafał Juszko, Wojciech Wodo, Manufacturing technology of self-rolling electrical cable, patent application no P.403630, 22.04.2013, Poland
  3. Rafał Juszko, Wojciech Wodo, Storage for multimedia and mounting element, patent application no P.400723, 06.09.2012, Poland
  1. Invited speaker at CyberTrust 2024, Nowe regulacje prawne: PSD3 i jej wpływ na bankowość elektroniczną, 7-8.10.2024, Wroclaw
  2. Warsztaty w ramach Szkoły Letniej AI-Tech 2023, Ekosystem tożsamości cyfrowej w Polsce i Europie: nowy e–dowód, eIDAS, SSI oraz EUDI Wallet, Warszawa, 17-19.06.2023
  3. Invited speaker at Volvo "Theory & Practice" 2023, Digital Identity Ecosystem in Poland and Europe, 21.06.2023
  4. Invited speaker at Digital Week 12-17 June 2023, Universite Cote d'Azure, Electronic identity and digital trust services ecosystem, Nice, France
  5. Volvo Competence Week 26-30 September 2022, Biometrics as natural way of authentication and identification: highlights and shadows, 27.09.2022
  6. UC Berkeley USAID Berkeley Digital Workforce Development Program on Overview of Top 500 Program - building entrepreneurial ecosystems in Poland through UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, 13.09.2022
  7. International Workshop on Computer Security & Cybersecurity Challenges 2022, CSCC 2022, Polish Academy Of Sciences Scientific Center in Paris, chair & coordinator, New Way of Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner Attack, Paris, France 12-13.05.2022
  8. 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ICISSP 2022, On the LPSE Password Meter’s Discrepancies among Different Datasets, online, 10.02.2022
  9. 62nd International Scientific Conference Of Riga Technical University: IEEE Section of Information Technology and Management Science: ITMS’2021, PSD2 compliant hardware token for digital banking, Riga, Latvia, 14-15.10.2021
  10. Światowy Dzień Biometrii, Trendy przyszłości – biometria, cyberbezpieczeństwo, sztuczna inteligencja, Wrocław, Poland, 08.10.2021
  11. 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography: SECRYPT 2021, Security issues of electronic and mobile banking, online, 06-08.07.2021
  12. Future of Wireless Systems 2021, Cybersecurity of digital banking in Poland, Wroclaw, Poland
  13. The European Forum on Electronic Signature and Trust Services 2020, Poland
  14. 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy: ICISSP 2020, Security of Digital Banking Systems in Poland: User Study 2019, Malta, 23-25.02.2020
  15. Open Banking Hackathon, Security of digital banking in Poland 2019 - overview, Warsaw, Poland, 22-24.11.2019
  16. CYBERSEC - European Cybersecurity Forum 2019, Katowice, Poland, 29-30.10.2019
  17. OWASP Poland Day 2019, Wroclaw, Poland, 16.10.2019
  18. Secon 2019: CISPA's Young Researcher Security Convention, Security of electronic and mobile banking , Saarbrucken, Germany, 01-05.04.2019
  19. Mega Sekurak Hacking Party 2019, Cracow, Poland, 25.02.2019
  20. 8th International Youth Science Forum "Litteris Et Artibus" 2018, Lviv, Ukraine, 22-24.11.2018
  21. Cybersec - European Cybersecurity Forum 2018, Cracow, Poland, 08-09.10.2018
  22. COST Cryptacus Training School on Cryptanalysis of Ubiquitous Computing Systems,Security mechanisms in the service of mobile banking, Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel island, Azores (Portugal), 16-20 April 2018.
  23. COST FutureDB: Distance-bounding: past, present, and future, Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel island, Azores (Portugal), 14-15 April 2018.
  24. 7th International Youth Science Forum "Litteris Et Artibus" 2017, Lviv, Ukraine, 23-25.11.2017
  25. Prezentacja na zaproszenie - II Forum Inteligentnego Rozwoju,Biometria i elektroniczna tożsamość to teraźniejszość, Rzeszow, Poland, 23-24.10.2017
  26. Cybersec - European Cybersecurity Forum 2017, Cracow, Poland, 09-10.10.2017
  27. Konferencja Dzien Wynalazkow - Technologie Dla Bezpieczenstwa i Zdrowia Biometric Keypress, Cracow, Poland, 03.03.2017
  28. Future Technology Conference 2016, Biometrics safety engineering in mobile devices, San Francisco, USA, 06-07.12.2016
  29. 8th International Academic Conference Computer Science & Engineering 2016, Biomertics and security, Lviv, Ukraine, 24-26.11.2016
  30. Polish-American Bridge to Innovation, Space is More: A brief history of envisioning our future, Cracow, Poland, 18-19.11.2016
  31. International Conference on Security and Cryptography: SECRYPT 2016, Computations on Private Sets and their Application to Biometric based Authentication Systems and Thermal Imaging Attacks on Keypad Security Systems, Lisbon, 26-28.07.2016
  32. Wykład na zaproszenie podczas konferencji Biometric Summit 2016 - oblicza uwierzytelniania tożsamości, Bezpieczeństwo technologii biometrycznych, Warszawa, 31.05.2016
  33. Wykład na zaproszenie w serii Cybersecurity Academy organizowanej w ramach IATI, Biometria - źródłem czy zagrożeniem bezpieczeństwa?, Wrocław, 28.04.2016
  34. Pracodawca w przededniu reformy europejskiego prawa ochrony danych osobowych, Kraków, 03.03.2016 r.
  35. Science and Information Conference 2015,Biometric linkage between identity document card and its holder based on real-time facial recognition, London 28-30.07.2015
  36. Technologie biometryczne w Polsce, Warszawa, 09.06.2015 r.
  37. VI Ogólnopolski Festiwal Przedsiębiorczości Akademickiej, Zarządzanie innowacją w działających firmach start-up: wyszukiwanie możliwości, Wrocław, 02.06.2015 r.
  38. Gala Pracodawców Biura Karier Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Personal Branding: Strategia budowania własnej marki osobistej, Wrocław, 29.05.2015 r.
  39. Sztuka Innowacji, Wyszukiwanie możliwości w rozwoju firmy typu startup, Wrocław, 11.12.2014 r.
  40. Innowacyjna Europa, Gdańsk, Polska 30.09-01.10.2014 r.
  41. Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology 2014, USB Wireless Adapter, Warszawa, Polska 22-24.09.2014 r.
  42. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security ESORICS 2014, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-11, 2014
  43. V Ogólnopolski Festiwal Przedsiębiorczości Akademickiej, Innowacja jako bestia o wielu twarzach, Wrocław, Polska, 4.06.2014 r.
  44. Kanwa Przedsiębiorczości, Innowacyjna firma - jak to zrobić?, Wrocław, 20.02.2014 r.
  45. 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering CSE-2013, Authenticity of digital images, Lviv, Ukraine, 21-23.11.2013 r.
  46. Polsko-Amerykański Most Innowacji, Kraków, Polska, 28-29.10.2013 r.
  47. TEDx WSB, Innowacyjna innowacyjność- kreowanie i stymulowanie , Wrocław, Polska, 24.10.2013 r.
  48. Sympozjum Akademii Młodych Uczonych PAN - Mobilność polskich naukowców, 23 Listopada 2013, Warszawa, Polska
  49. International Conference on Security and Cryptography SECRYPT 2013, Identity Security in Biometric Systems Based on Keystroking, 29-31 July, Rejkjavik, Island
  50. Central European Conference on Cryptology 2013, 26—28 June, 2013, Telč, Czech Republic
  51. International Conference University-Industry Interaction 2013, Stimulating the creativity of the team and encouraging entrepreneurial attitudes in academic environment, 27-29 May, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  52. Poland - Silicon Valley, Science and Technology Symposium, Revolutionary Materials, Sensors and Energy, Stanford University, USA, 15-17.11.2012
  53. 2 Konferencja naukowo-biznesowa projektu Network Sunrise, Wrocław, Polska, 10.10.2012 r.
  54. TEDx WSB, 360 Degrees, Wrocław, Polska, 29.09.2012 r.
  55. EAST INNO TRANSFER 3rd Training Session Intermediary Conference, 17th – 21st September 2012, Wroclaw, Poland
  56. 7th International Conference on Security and Cryptography SECRYPT 2012, SOME REMARKS ON KEYSTROKE DYNAMICS: Global Survillience, Retriving Information and Simple Countermeasures, Rome, Włochy, 24-27.07.2012 r.
  57. IX Polsko-Niemieckim Kolokwium "Zmiany socjalnej infrastruktury szkolnictwa wyższego. Nowe Zagadnienia w zakresie obsługi nowych grup studentów", 27-29.06.2012 Poznań
  58. Konferencja Economicus 2012, Wrocław, Polska, 19.05.2012 r.
  59. Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Młodych Naukowców Ko-oper field 2012, Kradzież tożsamości i podszywanie się pod innych użytkowników w systemach biometrycznych opartych o keystroking, Szklarska Poręba, Polska, 14-16.05.2012 r.
  60. 1 Konferencja naukowo-biznesowa projektu Network Sunrise, Wrocław, Polska, 28.11.2011 r.
  61. 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering CSE-2011, DHCP Spoofing, Lviv, Ukraine, 24-26.11.2011 r.
  62. 9 Konferencja Naukowa Studentów, Introduction To Identyfication And Authorisation Methods Based On A Biomeric Factor – Keystroking, Będlewo, Polska, 07-09.10.2011 r.
  • laureate of Quintus program at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology for teaching excellence in 2023
  • laureate of the special award “The Lion of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology“ in 2023
  • laureate of the award "Polytechnica Nova" in category of university social responsibility, 2022
  • nomination to the research award of Wroclaw Polish Academy of Sciences “Iuvenes Wratislaviae 2022"
  • laureate of the title of one of the 30 creative people of Wroclaw in research category in 2021
  • laureate of special scientific scholarship from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology for outstanding research achievements (in the field of application and project implementation) in 2019
  • nomination in MIT Review Innovators Under 35, Polish edition in 2016
  • laureate of National Science Center PRELUDIUM Grant in 2015
  • nomination in MIT Review Innovators Under 35, Polish edition in 2015
  • laureate of Foundation for Polish Science IMPULS Program (3rd prize) in 2014
  • best presentation award at Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology Conference in 2014
  • laureate of Ministry of Science and Higher Education Top 500 Innovators Program (USA, UC Berkeley) in 2012
  • distinction from Rector of Wroclaw University of Technology for the welfare of the PhD candidates environment in academic years 2011/2012 and 2013/2014
  • national laureate (category exact science) in contest for the best student of Poland Studencki Nobel in 2011
  • national laureate (Primus expert in category computer science) in contest for the best student of Poland Primus Inter Pares in 2011